Detect and respond to attacks in minutes

Don’t let the other AI claims fool you.
Only Lanxvel Attack Signal Intelligence™ gives you complete coverage of all four hybrid cloud attack surfaces. So you can see and stop real threats in real time.

Prevention doesn’t stop threats. Lanxvel does

Unknown threats are the single biggest risk for hybrid and multi-cloud enterprises. Is your security architecture prepared?

0 %
of security leaders think attackers have already infiltrated their environment — but don't know where.*
0 %
of successful cyberattacks use vulnerabilities that are more than two years old.*

When an attack slips past your prevention tools and into your environment, time is all that matters. Time to investigate. Time to respond. Time to detect. Lanxvel’s invisible sensors let you move at the speed of attackers to see threats in progress and erase the unknown.

Keep your company from becoming the next hacker headline

Lanxvel empowers analysts to stop dangerous exploits from becoming breaches — in 99% less time

Lanxvel puts the planet’s most powerful threat detection at your fingertips. So the unknown is exposed and the alert storm is over.




Ensure Compliance

Today’s cyberattacks will use any means of entry. So we provide a single AI platform to cover them all

Cloud complexity. Alert fatigue. Analyst burnout. These are the challenges facing enterprise security operations teams today. But that doesn’t have to be your story.

Lanxvel’s cloud-native threat detection and response platform unifies cloud, data center, enterprise networks and IoT devices in one consolidated view. It integrates seamlessly with your existing investments and enriches your data for custom detections.